An milk ice cream cream truck is generally a one-person operation. This means that you won't need anyone else's help and won't have to consider paying an employee when planning your budget.

I know that what you look for is far more than an ice cream, but the same concept applies here, because compliments are so powerful. As Mark Twain once said," I can live for two months on a good compliment." A great way to make someone feel happy is to use words that cheer him up. If you keep at it long enough, and that the man in your life gets used to it, you will become the one in charge.
This recipe requires 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of grated lemon peel, 1 10-ounce package of frozen strawberries (thawed), 1 can of whipped, heavy cream and two-thirds of a cup of sweetened and condensed coconut milk. Put the strawberries, lemon juice and lemon peel into your Ninja Blender 1100. Blend at high speed for 20 seconds or until it gets smooth. Turn down the speed to low and remove the blender's cover. Add the condensed milk in a regular stream into this mixture. Finally, remove the strawberry mixture by folding it onto whipped cream. To make into hard ice cream, allow it to sit in the freezer for 4 hours.
Making ice-cream at home doesn't have to be expensive. When summer comes there are many local markets and farmers who will sell you fresh fruit for a great price. This is a superb time for you to make lots of ice-cream and stock up for ice cream the rest of the year.
Remember when froyo was all the rage? When TCBY seemed ice cream grow on every street corner like a Starbucks? It is enjoying a major resurgence again, as new companies like Red Mango and other frozen yogurt shops are returning to their active cultured roots with frozen yogurt that is 100% natural, has no artificial flavors or preservatives, and is rich in probiotics, calcium and protein. It's naturally tart and can be enjoyed any time of day, even for breakfast!
Of course, there are also a bunch of foods you can't eat, but most Atkins Dieters are happy with trading the low-fat, high-carb foods for delicious treats like the ones you can now eat.
Compared to illness, the price of wellness is a bargain. Especially when you factor in the stress, loss of productivity, and compromised quality of life that comes along with illness.